留學申請金工 金數,科研該怎麼下手?

時間 2021-06-10 00:32:21


Keywords: machine learning, computational finance, computational biologyCandidates: Students with basic machine learning knowledge and programming skills.

Students must be good at calculus, linear algebra, and statistics. Students of all majors are welcome. Students with CS major, stats major, finance major, or biology major are preferred.

Introduction: Machine learning is going to be one of the most important topics to know in this AI dominating era. This project is offering hands-on research experience for students to develop new machine learning method to solve real-world related problems.

Particularly, this project encourages students to solve real-world Computational Finance or Computational Biology problems because the popularity these two problems gain these days. There is a slightly different focus of these two areas:

Computational Finance:

Requires more programming skills than mathematical skills.

Only requires a limit amount of finance knowledge.

Offers internship chance from The Bank of New York Mellon if the students show excellent skills in this topic.

Computational Biology:

Focusing on developing new methods for new problems.

Requires more mathematical skills than programming skills.

Sometimes requires a deep understanding of biology.

Offers internal referral to CMU MSBIC program if the students show excellent skills in this topic.




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